
Showing posts from January, 2021

UVC light based Baggage Disinfection System

  The current outbreak of Corona Disease is increasing rapidly and it’s getting worst. For safety reasons, consumers are interested in Ultraviolet-C that is UVC lamps, to get disinfection surfaces in the home and also in different similar places.  It can effectively inactive the virus without using the chemical stuff, as the UVC light is an attractive choice for disinfection, and most special lamps that emit UVC light are generally used for this purpose only.   About UVC light UVC radiation is most likely knows as a disinfectant for water, air as well as nonporous platforms or surfaces. These radiations are effectively used over the decades to get a reduction of spreading the bacteria like tuberculosis.   Ultra Voilet luggage disinfection system is used inside part of the air ducts only to disinfect the air. This is one of the safe ways to imply the UVC radiation and the reason for this is direct UVC exposure to the human body or eyes may get hurt.  Ultra Voilet luggage disin